The Environmental Protection Agency and the Food and Drug Administration require animal testing for the marketing and distribution of chemicals, vaccines, and drugs. However, both organizations reported that animal tests have 92% failure rate in predicting the safety and effectiveness of medicines ("Soundearth.com," 2010). In most of times, animal testing includes: pain, discomfort, and anxiety Which ultimately leading animals to being killed or euthanized ("Soundearth.com," 2010). For instance, animal testing for determining the safety of products, such as cosmetics testing. According to the peta that countless animal has been used in the cosmetic testing every year, especially, rabbits due to this creature are easy to handle and breed, as a result of its characteristic which made rabbits as good resource to support the processing of the cosmetics testing. It estimated more than 241,000 of them had abused in U.S laboratories every year. One animal will die in every third second on the cosmetic laboratory such as the draize eye irritancy test (Biodiscover.com & www.adaptt.org, n.d). Rabbits are most common victims of the draize eye irritancy test, in which to test chemical product such as cosmetics, dishwashing liquid, drain cleaner, and drip these chemical substances into the rabbit' eyes to see the potential side of effects and danger of product to the organs. The result of experimentation usually will causing subject redness, swelling, discharge, ulceration, hemorrhaging, cloudiness, or blindness. And the rabbits will be killed when the experiment is over (Peta.org, n.d). In theory, animals used for safety testing, are typically not killed and remain healthy, however they are often maltreated. For instance, the animal skill corrosion tests in which applied a sort of corrosive chemicals to animal's raw skin such as rabbits for two weeks after shaved their fur, and the chemicals will usually cause extremely burn issues, and again animals are killed after the experiment is finished (Peta.