There are two basic types of political parties, Cadre and Mass-based. Both forms coexist together in many countries, because most parties are a mix of both parties, they are not mutually exclusive. It is extremely rare, and nearly impossible to find a party that's just solely cadre or mass-based because when looking at the way politics functions in human society, it just is not possible. Cadre parties are dominated by the politically elite, mostly restricted to taxpayers and property owners, and generally limited to a select few. The masses were used as spectators rather than actual activists. This system of factionalism brings us back to essential conflict of revolutionary times, the fight between the aristocracy and the bourgeoisie. The aristocracy had been the landowners who relied on the peasantry to work their land and progress their fortunes. The bourgeoisie refers to middle class of bankers, merchants, and urban workers who felt that they should have a more significant role in the system.
Under the cadre party system there were another two basic subsections, liberal and conservative. The liberal ideal developed first around the times of the English revolution based on the 17th century writings of John Locke and then developed in the 18th century by French philosophers. It mirrored the voices of the time, who were calling for equality, liberty and acceptance. It reflected the interest of the bourgeoisie who wanted to destroy elite privileges. Conservative ideal was never truly universally defined. The only unifying element of it was that it mimicked the ideals that benefitted the elite most. This probably included more elite privileges and more restraints on egalitarian ideals. Mass-based parties on the other hand united hundreds and thousands of followers and based its ideals on the appeal to the masses. Unlike the Cadre system, they tried to unite not only the influential but the masses of people as well.