Because of this, Sacco and Vanzetti looked down upon the government's control (Watson).
In contrast, the American public thought of anarchism as a terrifying concept, and felt that the anarchists should be eliminated or deported immediately. Anarchists were generally associated with immigrants and communists, both of whom were hated by most Americans. In addition to the negative image of anarchy in America, there were many assassination attempts on major U.S. official lead primarily by anarchists, one being the failed bomb plot on May 1, 1919, which lead to the Palmer Raids (Watson p. 6). Before the trial had even begun, the general American population was against Sacco and Vanzetti.
Sacco and Vanzetti were also Italian immigrants. Like the view of anarchy, there was a bad connotation associated with most European immigrants during this time period. People generally associated immigrants with anarchism and communism. Immigrants began to be deported daily because many feared that these so called radicals would form riots and rebellions. People like Lillian Moore believed it would be a good idea for America to have an "immigration 'holiday' of five years" in order to stop all immigration from occurring (Husband p. 213). This was just one of the many opinions on the supposed immigration problem in the 20s. Organized labor unions also became a major issue during the Red Scare era. The labor radicals attempted to attain better working conditions for the lower working class. Many of the labor radicals began to form unions and start strikes against their employers. Factory owners feared these radicals, and tried their best to prevent these strikes and unions from forming. In order to do this, they began to blame immigrants and began trying to have them deported from the U.S. Sacco and Vanzetti again suffered from this stereotype of immigrants during their trial.
The trial of Sacco and Vanzetti became very popular not only throughout the United States, but throughout the world due to its controversy.