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Pursuing a Degree in Liberal Arts

             In many countries outside of the U.S. It is common for individuals to specialize early and because of that we have been thought of as having fallen behind the educational game. But as Carol T. Christ, president of Smith College in Northampton, MA explains, countries with traditions of regimented learning such as China and Japan have shown that employers are facing issues with their workers lacking creativity and critical thinking skills which is in turn leading to an inflexibility within their companies. We as Americans are an incredibly versatile workforce and the Chinese have been visiting the United States to explore the benefits of a liberal-arts education and are now coming around to the notion that to dominate, they will need to provide their students with a widened educational experience (Unger 231).
             Sanford J. Ungar disputes the argument that "A liberal-arts degree is a luxury that most families can no longer afford" (227). There are countless individuals and families that truly struggle with the cost benefit ratio of pursuing a college education. Those who have to sacrifice and borrow in order to make post-secondary education a reality, often find themselves wondering if the liberal arts is worth such a huge financial expense and time commitment. The world we find ourselves working in is a complex and ever transforming one. Now more than ever to pursue a liberal-arts education which prepares you to be able to understand as well as respond to the environment you live in is a most worthy investment. Unger refers to Geoffrey Garin, President of Hart Research Associates, as making an excellent point in suggesting "that the responsibility of higher education today is to prepare people for jobs that do not yet exist (227). The investment of a liberal arts education is money well spent and an investment you will see returns upon for the rest of your life.
             Career education is often thought of as the fast-track to gainful employment but by cutting out the important skills that the liberal arts offers you are more likely preparing yourself for a job not a career.

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