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Morality Issue - Animal Rights

(www.findacure.org) For example, Alec Baldwin, son of Carol M. Baldwin, received PETAs Humanitarian Award in 2005, but broke off with PETA over the value of animal research in developing treatments for breast cancer and served on the advisory board for the Carol M. Baldwin Breast Cancer Research Fund. (www.findacure.org) Now in a utilitarian sense animal-based research for medical purposes is limiting suffering and maximizing happiness; a small number of animals are being tested and thousands to millions of human and non-human animals are living longer happier lives because of the findings. We have to remember that this research is utilized not only for humans but also for animals and veterinarians use this research too in many ways to more effectively diagnose and treat animals. .
             Now comes the argument of the morality of eating meat which no doubt touches on the debate of animal rights and has a far less positive outlook than animal-based medical research. According to the USDA, National Agricultural Statistics Service, in 2014 alone 9.1 billion animals were slaughtered in the United States. (Www.humanesociety.org) This included 30,170 cattle, 8,666,662 chickens, 26,368 ducks, 106,876 hogs, 2,309 sheep & lamb, and 236,617 turkeys. (Www.humanesociety.org) Now these numbers are disgusting to me and probably would be to anyone else since humans basically killed more animals in one year than the entire human population and the number has been around 9 billion since 2000. (Www.humanesociety.org) Although I find these numbers disgusting I do still believe in Hares view that the central issue is not whether it's moral to kill animals, but how many animals we ought to cause there to be – of differing species, including humans (p.168) If all people that ate meat saw the videos of the factory farms and how the animals were treated they would most definitely have a different view on the amount of meat they should be eating and would either agree with becoming vegetarian or most likely becoming a demi-vegetarian.

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