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Performance Management and Reward Systems

The opinion behind this is that managers have a great impact in determining the staff's performance. A good relationship between a manager and the employees is paramount if a company is to harness tremendous performance hence attaining its objectives. The idea is that a manager may be brilliant but if he/ she has a terrible relationship with the employees then no matter the level of smartness the ultimate goals and objectives will not be attained (Aguinis, 2009). .
             Performance management is not all about performance appraisals since the desired and lasting behavior adjustments are not made. Performance management broadly involves performance planning, diagnosing the sources of the problems, frequent communication, good behavior reinforcement and creating a conducive working environment so that success and improvement can be realized (Aguinis, 2009). The diversity of thoughts and ideas is what makes organizations thrive hence a great career development network. A conducive environment where workers can succeed is created, and this is instrumental to employee retention. Performance appraisal is not enough if the desired performance is to be realized rather performance communication and planning should be undertaken. To attest to this fact is that the article stipulates that an understandable strategy and vision for the team is essential hence necessitating the importance of performance planning. The positive and regular communication with the employees is fundamental since teamwork has to be implemented if the organizational objective of maximizing profits is to be accomplished. The article shows this idea by explaining that the managers should have a solid relationship with their employees hence showing that there exist great communications between them (Avillion, 2007). .
             Research should be carried out in order to unravel the reason for employees' failures since the aftermath is awful since the organization will not be able to meet its desired objectives.

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