Sam was placed in a position where he had to take care of his child and be the parent figure. Sam played both the mother and father figure in his daughter Lucy's life. Instead of walking away like her mother did, Sam took care of his daughter and was there for her as much as he could be. Sam still obtained his job at Starbucks, and when he couldn't take care of Lucy he found alternatives such as his close friend/neighbour, Annie. This clearly shows Sam's dedication and love for his daughter unlike her mother, as well as Sam's role as a parent. Although this is Sam's first attempt at parenthood, he manages to do a very good job. Sam struggles to interact and communicate with people because of his disability yet when it comes to his daughter Lucy, Sam does whatever he possibly can. For example, Sam and Lucy were reading a book together and although Sam did not know every word he still continued to help her as much as he could. This shows Sam's constant attempts at interacting and communicating with his daughter. Sam's relationship with Lucy is absolutely beautiful. Eventually as Lucy grows up realizes that her father is rather "different" than others. Although he is 'different', Lucy loves him unconditionally as well as continuously protects him. In school Lucy chooses to not allow her mind to explore any further than her fathers mind can in order for her father to not look "stupid". This shows her love and dedication to her father as well as her strong relationship with him. To conclude, Sam's relationship with his daughter is very strong as well as amazing despite his mental disability. Although Sam lacks a lot of what a 'normal' adult has mentally, he still continuously tried parenting his daughter and being there for her regardless. .
Furthermore, throughout "I am Sam" healthy communication skills and managing conflict, as well as skill-full communication play a big role as well.