Replacing fossil fuels with biofuel has the potential to generate a number of benefits. In contrast to fossil fuels, which are exhaustible resources, biofuels are produced from renewable feedstocks. Thus, their production and use could, in theory be sustainable indefinitely. Biofuels can be produced domestically, which could lead to lower fossil imports. If biofuel production and use reduces our consumption of imported fossil fuels, we may become less vulnerable to the adverse impacts of supply disruption. Reducing our demand for petroleum could also reduce its price, generating economic benefit for American consumers, but also potentially increasing petroleum consumption abroad. Biofuels feedstocks include many crops that would otherwise be used for human consumption directly, or indirectly as animal feed. Diverting these crops to biofuels may lead to more land area devoted to agriculture, increased use of polluting inputs, and higher food prices. Economic models show that biofuel use can result in higher crop prices, though the range of estimates in the literature is wide. For example, a 2013 study found projections for the effect of biofuels on corn prices in 2015 ranging from a 5 to 53 percent increase. The National Research Council's (2011) report on the RFS included several studies finding a 20 to 40 percent increase in corn prices from biofuels during 2007 to 2009. Higher crop prices lead to higher food prices, though impacts on retail food in the US are expected to be small. Higher crop prices may lead to higher rates of malnutrition in developing countries. The conservative government is formally shutting down its controversial biofuels subsidy program, saying companies producing biodiesel have failed to meet ambitious production targets. Ottawa has already paid pot $672 million to companies that have built plants to make grain based ethanol and biodiesel, which has created 8oo jobs and new market for farmers.