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The Gaza War: Israeli-Palestinian Crisis

             During these 2 weeks while collective punishment was administrated to all Palestinians in the West Bank, the Israeli public didn't get any information about the three teenagers. According to the press the Israeli government knew that the three were dead from day one, and knew where their bodies were. However, "they forbade the press from releasing this information to the public" (Tarachansky, 2014) . I and many political analysts believe the Government held this information secretly to be able to manipulate the emotions and build up the fear and tension in Israel so that a decision to launch a bloody war would be strongly supported. The tension was building up in both Israeli and Palestinian streets and while no one has claimed responsibility for 2 weeks, the Israeli prime minister has kept on insisting in almost every sentence that the three were indeed kidnapped by Hamas. By maintaining this line of Hamas is solely responsible and the one who should pay the price, he raised the long past memory of this enemy to his people which corresponds to the long term emotional sentiment of this enemy according to the Appraisal Theory. .
             (Bar-Tal, 2010) explained through his Appraisal- Based Theory that people can appraise certain events as very meaningful depending on several factors. He noted "In most cases, events are experienced directly by few group members and transmitted to other group members through the mediation of leaders, the mass media." (p.87). This Theory stresses that the collective shared emotion of anger "transforms a substantive event into a motivation to respond to it in a particular manner". (p.88). One of the factors determining the appraisal of the events according to Halperin and Gross is the "Long term emotional sentiments" as they will "bias the cognitive appraisals of specific events". Therefore, "a long term external threat to the group will make the society members more attuned to threatening cues and will lead to higher appraised danger, that will elicit in turn, more frequent fear responses" (p.

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