Although the purpose of the book was clearly stated, which is to provide a wider picture of reality that is happening in a transgender's workplace and subsequent scrutiny of constitutional legislations pertaining to transgender employment protections, it has its own limitations. The participants whom Bender-Baird interviewed were predominantly Caucasians, if not mixed. As a qualitative researcher, the author is cognizant of the lack of racial diversity in her study, as this would rather depict a more contrasting outcome about transgender experiences. In the rising assimilation of minority groups within populations, it would have been better if a fair amount of visible transgender minorities were included in the consultations. Additionally, the range of policies and cases were limited, as the book is mainly focused on nondiscriminatory categories of state laws in the United States of America.
The first part of the book starts with a story of a retired U.S. Army official, who upon discussing her identity coming out as a transgender, was stereotypically judged, and eemed unfit for higher political admission. Bender-Baird takes her pace from that standpoint to spread open the eyes of her audience on how sullied and gender-biased the political arena is to the public. The author discreetly analyzed and interpreted the literature behind her use of terms, appropriately describing the historical usage and semantic application of the word "transgender." As discussed, the author was also mindful of setting boundaries in determining transgender identities in selecting the right participants for the study. Though this process was unsuccessful, Bender-Baird was triumphant in opening up the purpose of the study with clear and organized objectives and that is to examine and understand the political terrain they are treading and its appositeness to gender racialization, which are the meaningful foci of her open-ended inquisitions.