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The Limits of Gun Control

Whitlock eventually ends his article by analyzing the reasons why Belcher did what he did. Basically, Jason Whitlock believes that Americans are immune to gun violence and that lives have been ruined and lost simply because of the right to bear arms. And his also talks about gun ownership increasing tragedy especially in our society and various homes.
             Contrariwise, Thomas Lucente opposes Jason Whitlock's idea of not having of guns in fact he believes that not having guns would increase criminal violence rather than reducing it. Lucente believes that the American people should be able to possess firearm, he claims that the right to bear arm is every Americans' God given right.[second amendment].Lucente used to the second amendment to back up his arguments, he believe that the right to bear arm is protected by the second amendment of the US constitution. Furthermore, Mr. Lucente explains that the constitution and the founding fathers of this country cares about the rights of every person that why, they made laws to protect individual rights. Thomas Lucente have no doubt that regulating gun control in the country will increase gun violence instead of reducing it and believes that we cannot protect the rights of people by eliminating those rights.
             The Second Amendment of our nation constitution is very controversial. The Amendment unambiguously grants that, "The right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed" [second amendment]. The wording of the Second Amendment influences their point of view on who has the right to "keep and bear arms". This issue is very controversial because the Second Amendment does not clearly define whom "the people" are. This issue has left room for action by congress and the courts to pass laws and make interpretations that influence the way this Amendment is applied and enforced. The main argument put by gun-control advocates is that since there is no longer a "militia", that individuals should lose their rights to own a gun.

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