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The Jack The Ripper Murder

Ms. Chapman was already suffering from brain and lung disease that would had eventually claim her life. Annie wondered the streets of London without a cent to her named, Annie's husband had passed away a few years earlier, and she was cruelly treated by the world she was born into. Annie was blessed with two children, a son and a daughter, unfortunately in 1882 she lost her daughter and her son was crippled. Annie tried selling matches on the streets but later turned to the life of prostitution to support her son. .
             Ms. Chapman's body was found with her abdomen cut wide open and her organs removed. In that event the media awakens to how such ghastly murders were taking place in the streets of London and why the criminal only target prostitutes. Prior to the murder of Ms. Chapman, from the backyard of 29 Hanbury Street, Albert Cadoche was thought to have over heard the muffle sounds of an assault but instead of stopping, Mr. Cadoche kept on walking figuring there was nothing to be alarmed about.
             Shortly before 6am, Ms. Chapman's, mutilated body lay exposed in the dank morning air. Who was this monster and how is it that this individual seems to always disappear within the shadows on the streets of London. Could this murderer, be the.
             gentleman Ms. Chapman was suppose to have met later that evening and if it was him why would he perform such ghastly acts. Leaving not one trace of evidence behind that would reveal his true identity. Annie's family buried her in secret at Manor Park on September the 14th 1888.
             Call it pleasurable pursuit to lurk out of the shadow's of London to claim lives of innocent victims. How he prides himself on eluding London's Officials, based on the fact that he would never be caught. With that speculation he wrote a letter, to the London's Police in the letter it stated, "How can they catch me now? I love my work and want to start again soon" Good Luck Yours Truly Jack the Ripper.

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