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Psychotic Disorder - Schizophrenia

They seem very real to the person hallucinating. 75 percent of schizophrenic patients have auditory hallucinations. Many patients act on what the voices tell them to do. The voices are usually that of someone they know. Studies of the brain of hallucinating people showed increased activity in speech production, the opposite of what was expected. Patients were actually misinterpreting their own thoughts. Another symptom can be when a patient speaks in such a way that the listener doesn't understand the thoughts or sometimes even the made up words. The patient does not make sense. This disorganized speech is an example of a schizophrenia symptom. .
             A schizophrenia patient can exhibit odd behaviors such as wearing bizarre clothes, or not keeping up their hygiene. Their normal routine changes, and their friends or relatives usually see a change in the patient's behavior. This may be socially or physically. An example of this could be the absence of movement or speech, called catatonia. In conclusion, patients can be labeled as having positive symptoms or negative symptoms. A patient with positive symptoms would have delusions, hallucinations, disorganized behavior and speech. A patient with negative type symptoms would have impaired functioning such as sitting and staring into space, little speech and minimal affect. It was stated the patients usually exhibit both negative and positive symptoms throughout their schizophrenic lifetime. .
             There is not an answer to what causes schizophrenia. 1 out of 100 will develop this disorder. The stats increase if a parent has it and if the father is over 45 at the child's birth. Schizophrenia is rarely seen in children. It is diagnosed earlier in men than women; age 25 in males and age 29 in females. Schizophrenia is more severe in men. Genetics and environmental influence are both thought to be responsible as a cause of schizophrenia. Schizophrenia runs in families so there is a high risk of a relative also developing this disorder.

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