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My Sister Alejandra

            During the first 14 years of my life, my younger sister, Alejandra, was my best friend - she was only three years younger than me. But everything began to change when she was 11 years old she began to be very distant and our friendship deteriorated. When I was eighteen, in March 2006, my father left the house, leaving my mother alone with my sister and me. At this time was very important that our family was united to help each other to overcome these difficult times that would come. It was no coincidence that immediately after my father left home, Alejandra presented an eating disorder.
             At first his disorder started when she was diagnosed with gastritis, in April 2006. With this disease she need to watch her diet, avoiding foods that irritated her the stomach, but that was not all, sometimes took away the appetite, gave her nausea and vomiting. My mother and I knew his condition, my sister was going to lose weight, but after three or four months, she had lost fifty-five pounds. Then, we realized that this was not the result of his illness - must have been something else. My sister was always only a little bigger than me, by weight and height, but she had never had problems with their physical appearance. So it was very difficult to understand what was happening. My sister had anorexia. She could not control the bad things that happened in her life, but she could control her body.
             Moreover, as we had not been friends for many years, it was very difficult for me to try to help her. Although it seemed that she hated me, she was still my younger sister and I wanted to do everything I could to help my younger sister. But whenever I tried to talk to her or just be her friend, someone she could trust, she pushed me away from her. The most horrible thing was when she started to get worse. During this time, when she ate in numerous amounts, vomited or used laxatives. When she came to be in less than a hundred pounds, she had the appearance of a skeleton.

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