But before the internet, there had to be the invention of the personal computer. Winston (2008) in, Media Technology and Society: A History : from the Telegraph to the Internet, alludes to the fact that, indeed, through the efforts of Bill Gates, Paul Allen and Steve Jobs, various softwares were developed that enabled the computer to be a personalized experience for the users. American companies such as Microsoft and Apple produced simpler "microcomputers" that have been embraced by the American nation (Falk, 2013). A majority refer to the computer invention as a significant part of the inventions to exist in the world. Other than the computer, the telephone and the internet, the other greatest American technological advancement was the invention of the light bulb. In the 1880, American inventor Thomas Edison plunged American into the electrical era through his development of the incandescent lamp in an evacuated glass bulb (George, 2012). It is through this invention that the America's physical lighting system today has drawn its inspiration. Despite the new advances to the more complex light bulbs today, America still owes it to Edison for his initial development of the light bulb.
The other major advancements have been in the transport industry. The inventions of the airplane and the mechanical automobile have made transport for the American a reality. In 1903, the Wright brothers from Ohio invented the first prototype of the modern airplane (Hughes, 2011; Winston, 2008). This invention of the airplane opened up to a world of possibilities. The airplane by the Wright brothers lessened the great distances that existed. The swiftness of the airplane coupled with the safety that comes with the airplane has made it the preferred method of travel for the American persons. The mechanical automobile was the other greatest invented that transformed transportation. The invention of the combustion engine that is the driving force behind today's vehicles has made movement easy.