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Analysis of Rhetorical Strategies - Benazir Bhutto

             The insight Bhutto gives into the workings of Mujahedeen in Afghanistan and how they operate is brief but vital for her argument. Her analysis cuts to the very bone of their philosophy of using chaos to promote Islamic law in places where it many have peacefully lived under more secular rule. She sees the Mujahedeen as an example of a deeper problem: Islamic extremists flock to wherever violence and unrest is brewing in Muslim countries to install another orthodox Muslim caliphate. Time and time again this has happened, from the Taliban in Afghanistan, to ISIS today. Bhutto's use of the slippery slope is the easiest strategy to get western support of her political ideals, which she does well by invoking the western spirit of political and/or military intervention. Referencing Iraq first, Bhutto plays on westerners pathos of worrying about more terrorist recruiting grounds, especially Americans who know all too well of the seven years and the lives spent in Iraq. Playing on westerner fears of this idealism spreading, Bhutto goes on to talk about how this is spilling over in her home country of Pakistan:.
             "Iraq is not the only goal of the extremists. Pakistan too is in great danger. Pro-Taliban forces have taken over the tribal areas of Pakistan. They occupy the Swat Valley. They have been ceded Waziristan by the Musharraf regime. They are moving into the settled areas of Pakistan. Their apparent next goal is the cities of my country, including our capital, Islamabad. They thrive on dictatorship; they thrive on terror; they provoke chaos to exploit chaos" (Bhutto 184). .
             She does well to establish how these extremists, in this case the Taliban, have already gained a foothold in her country and gives the notion that they're gaining power. By exemplifying beforehand what they can do once they have a proverbial foot in the door to incite chaos, Bhutto does well to characterize her slippery slope argument.

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