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The Boeing 787-800 Dreamliner

The time between 2 maintenances can be up to 1000 hours that is 2 times than Boeing767 and 1.5 times than the Airbus A330. The airline companies will save a lot of money on the maintenance and reduce the normal operation cost. Additionally, its corrosion resistance and fatigue resistance are better than aluminum's. Therefore, the size of side scuttle will be larger, which gives the passengers a better journey. Besides of these advantages, the recyclability of the carbon flier cannot be negligible. The research has shown that the reclaimed fibers serve as a viable replacement for new fiber in many high-end industrial-manufacturing processes, and offer a significant savings of money and carbon dioxide. Recycling carbon fiber can be done at approximately 70 percent of the cost and using less than 5 percent of the electricity required to make new carbon fiber. If the 2 million pounds of carbon fiber scrap that commercial jet manufacturing is estimated to generate in 2014 is recovered, recycled, and substituted for virgin fiber in manufacturing applications, it will save enough electricity to power 175,000 typical homes a year. All the advantages of the application of carbon filer are showing that it is a creative improvement not only on the Boeing 787 aircraft but also in aviation industry, which means that it will substitute the aluminum to be the main material of new aviation industry. (Data source: Christine, 2008) Secondly, we can take a look at the new engine of the Boeing 787 Dreamliner. Because of the restrictive requirements on the low fuel consumption, both GE and Rolls Royce, two powerplants of the Boeing787, applied many fresh innovations on their engines.
             GEnx: Both the front case and flabellum are made of the new composite materials-carbon flier and poxy resin composites, which reduces engine weight by 350 lb. per engine while substantially increasing durability. Those fan blades have racked up more than 5 million hr.

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