When someone with a fixed mindset encounters failure, they begin to question their abilities, however those with the growth mindset will try harder the next time, and do not give up easily. It is important to know that even setbacks can become a learning experience, and can help one avoid failure the next time. It is also important have a growth mindset, because the mindset you have can even affect your morales, Dweck says that those with a fixed mindset are more likely to lie about their scores or cheat in order to obtain better scores. Students with a growth mindset do not believe that just because they failed at something that that defines their success with it in the future. Failure can even act as motivation to avoid setbacks in the future. Students with fixed mindset become discouraged with failure, as Dweck mentions, "When they aren't successful, they get defensive, and demoralized and often opt out." (9). To ensure failure does not stop you from reaching your goals make sure you have a growth mindset. .
As students you don't give praise, you usually receive it, however it is important, as a student, to value the praise that focuses on effort. For me, as a student I got praise on performance, not on my work, and now I value praise that focuses on effort. When I get praised on performance, I think back at the work I did in order to do well. If we, as students, are only praise for our intelligence, we will become vulnerable when we are no longer doing well, and no longer receive praised. As students we can also communicate you are professors, and let them know they should praise on effort, not on performance. We may not know it, but one form of praise leads to losing confidence, and another to improving our skills. For that reason it is important to know what kind of praise you should listen to. When students receive praise on how well they did, that is pushing them towards a fixed mindset.