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The Innovation of Driverless Vehicles

, 2014). Another example of strategy to ensure safety is create an Automatic Control System that over subsystems will control the maximum velocity and automatic break in cases of need, (Fantechi et al., 2014). They also state a second strategy that allow the use of the maximum line capacity and consequently an efficient spacing. It is done by a dynamical Traffic Management System, which trough a radio signaling supports movement authorities. The finally concern is that the driverless train needs to have a higher execution. The strategy able to realize it according to Boteanu et al. (2009), is the development of a computerized control system which works in real time and include a diagnostic system and passengers informations service system. Therefore, the unmanned train will develop a better performance as a result of this system. Indeed, different strategies can be developed to improve intelligent trains, all of them with the objective to ensure safety and provide an organized and productive transportation system. .
             The development of these strategies during the last years permitted improvements on transportation, one example of implementation is in France. According to Erbin and Soulas (2003) around 30 years ago only a few number of countries had developed unmanned urban transport, but France invested in new technologies and became the first country in the world to develop a driverless metro. The system developed is called VAL and was studied to twelve years until put in operation, (Erbin & Soulas, 2003). The initial idea was not create a driverless metro, but after studies the system became reality and linked Lille city to Villeneuve d'Ascq. They claim that while many other systems failed, VAL system could succeed because the principal components was innovative compared to the other, which means that the investments was bigger and consequently they had the best technologies in that time.

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