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Pervasive Computing

             Current Embedded Technology.
             The current technology that is being used is Embedded Technology and it is the process of computer technology/software introduced to various devices/appliances. The said devices/environment will perform a specific job and the processors are given computing power and are designed in such a way to perform application oriented job. Computers are integrated in every application which we use in our daily activities. The usage of devices are there in our every routine thing and they are consumer electronics, manufacturing, process control, communication, industrial, defence, avionics etc.
             Devices embedded with that technology are based on their performance and functionality is basically categorized as four and they are:.
             Stand Alone systems.
             Real Time systems.
             Networked Systems.
             Mobile devices.
             Stand Alone systems perform as a single standalone mode. They take input commands and produce expected outputs. Real Time Systems don't depend on other system. Specific work which is to be done by embedded systems is in these systems. In real hard time, system misses a closing time may lead to a great damage and in real soft time systems such problems will not be there. Devices having networked interface and can be accessed by networks such as LAN or WAN (internet) are called Networked systems, it can be wired or wireless. Mobile devices are the devices which move from one place to another they are PDA's, mobiles, etc. Now days many people use and carry portable devices like cellphones, laptops, PDA's, mp3 players and many more for their personal and professional lives. Most of the time they are used separately and the applications or devices doesn't interact among themselves, however even if they interact among themselves straight directly like team members at a meeting who can share their project work and presentations, When we want go somewhere based on the business cards stored in the laptops they can find their own way with the address and number likewise incoming emails can be forwarded to PDA's.

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