Despite simple mechanism consisted of 144 wood boards, which composed a diameter of 17 m, this machine worked for 20 years and produced 12 kW of electricity. Until 1940 such Brush's machines have been widely distributed until modern sources of energy, oil and gas, were introduced. With current energy crisis people look back to clean wind energy and try to revive and improve this technology. Development of wind turbines during last 3 decades is shown in figure1 (Ahilan, Mohammed and Arumugham, 2009). In this graph it is clearly seen how power, generated by wind turbine, rapidly increased from year to year with the growth in diameter also. .
Scientist state that world energy needs will increase by 60 % ( Ahilan, Mohammed and Arumugham, 2009). During last few years wind energy was successfully implemented and used in some developed countries, such as USA, Spain, Germany and India. India is 4th user of wind energy in the world. In some places with appropriate conditions wind generated energy can compete with coal firing plants. Not only wind farms are distributed and developed in India, but also individual wind turbines are well spread. Figure 2 ( Ahilan, Mohammed and Arumugham, 2009) shows wind technology installation In Indian states till April 2007.
Figure1. Development of wind turbine technology up to 2010.
United States made the largest addition of 3 gigawatts in 2007; moreover Texas has become world leader in wind energy production. The largest wind energy developing firm is placed in Spain. After 2006 top 3 countries changed so that 1st place has been taken by Germany with capacity of 20,622 MW, Spain had capacity 11,615 MW and took 2nd place, whereas United States shifted to the 3rd place with capacity only 11,575 MW. Each country developed its own program which considers growth in the usage of wind energy and unlikely to reduce use of other sources.
It would be mistaken to take into account only advantages of wind energy, downsides and adverse effects also should be mentioned.