In 2010, when President Obama signed health care legislation he required that fast food corporations consisting of more than twenty chains must list the nutritional information about the food they provide. This change meant that by the year 2011 every large chain of restaurants were now showing the amount of calories, fat, carbohydrates, proteins, etcetera in the foods they serve. In addition to the caloric information now provided in restaurants, the internet provides websites such as Self Nutrition Data, which not only provides the nutritional value of food but also information on how to manage a healthy lifestyle. With the new legislation signed by President Obama and health based websites providing the nation with nutritional information, Zinczenko's argument, "there are no calorie information charts on fast-food packaging," is invalid; therefore, in Zinczenko's article, "Don't Blame the Eater", he provided the reader with false claims. This factor does not mean that with access to caloric information people will listen, for Sam Kazman, General Counsel for the Competitive Enterprise Institute, a free-market advocacy group states, "Frankly, it seems to me that whether I'm buying an apple or a Big Mac from McDonald's, if they want to sell it to me without any information, I have a perfect right to buy it." Basically, Kazman's statement communicates the idea that some citizens do not care about what ingredients the food they are consuming are made from. It is the mindset of people like Kazman who are more likely to follow in Zinczenko's footsteps and blame the fast-food corporations instead of taking responsibility for their own actions, because these restaurants are providing people with the information they need to know in order to decide whether or not a double cheeseburger with large fries and a Coca Cola would be a better choice over a fresh fruit salad; therefore, these corporations are not the ones to blame, and instead only the consumer is at fault.