They as well defend the state from attack, while building and nurturing communities through their values. In the end people in these communities will be equipped and inspired to support policies that are progressive, leaders who are both accountable and gradual. .
With both the vision and the mission, PFAW believes that respecting such constitutional principles will be able to bring up a new generation of leaders as well as activist (Our Mission and Vision 36). A generation that will continue to champion and maintain the set values for prosperity of America. People for the American Way headquarters are in Washington, D.C. Some of the Board members of this group include the Chair Lara Bergthold and the founding Chair Norman Lear. Other board members include civic, political, religious and entertainment personalities. Seth MacFarlane, Michael Keegan, David Altschul, Hon Mary Frances Berry, Rev Timothy McDonald and Dr. Arthur J. Bellinzoni just to mention a few (People for the American Way (pfaf) 47) . PFAW has an affiliate foundation known as People for the American Way Foundation, which educates voters, as well as advocates for progressive politics. Some of the infrastructure programs include Young People For, Young Elected Officials Network, and African American Religious Affairs. YP4 program aims to identify, nature, train and support future progressive leaders. Young Elected Official Network brings together all young elected leaders around the country and who are under the age of thirty-five. They support them as well as nature them to be progressive leaders. The African American Religious Affairs promotes liberal activism as well as support African Americans religious congregations and their communities (People for the American Way (pfaf) 58). Some of the board members for the PFAW Foundation include actress Kathleen Turner and Joshua Sapan. Others include Joana Harris and Nate Westheimer.