Soon Mann arose a vigorous reform movement. In the year of 1837 the sate created the nation's first board of education with Mann as their secretary. The board had a minimum of funds in this case but a position of leadership was needed more than anything else. Horace Mann was very into succeeding at this role. In 1838, he started a journal, which he wrote two times a week called "Common School Journal" for teachers and lectured on education to all who would listen. .
Around the time he started writing his journal, he developed six principles of education that should be followed. In today's society, we do indeed follow these rules. First of all, citizens cannot maintain both ignorance and freedom. Next, this education should be paid for, controlled, and maintained by the public. Also, this education should be provided in schools that embrace children from varying backgrounds. This education must be taught using tenets of a free society and must be provided by well-trained, professional teachers. Mann's words angered groups across the social and political spectrum, from clergymen to educators to politicians, but his ideas prevailed and still do today. Mann served in the United States House of Representatives from 1848 to 1853 and then became the president of Antioch College. A commencement speech he gave two months before his death served as a clarion call, asking students to embrace his influential worldview: "I beseech you to treasure up in your hearts these my parting words: Be ashamed to die until you have won some victory for humanity." Horace Mann gave future students wants to become educated. .
The unequal distribution of wealth is directly related to inequalities in education beginning at early stages of education. There's a historical account of education in the United States, which shows where many of the inequalities derive from. The history of education is filled with segregation, bias, and inequalities for the minorities and poor.