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Historical Causes of WWII

In order to help the economy the government tried to print more money to pay striking workers. Hyperinflation resulted; eliminating the value of money, making someone's saving useless. In 1921, Germany was unable to pay its debts; French and Belgian soldiers invaded and occupied the Ruhr taking any and all goods and raw materials. 2 Germany was also ordered by the Allies, primarily Britain and France, to sign the Guilt Clause accepting full responsibility for the war and all the harm it did. This attacked German nationalism and morale reached an all time low for the Germans. Many Germans' believed they were treated unfairly during the signing of the Treaty of Versailles, and Britain and France were also at fault should take blame for the war as well. Due to the immense amount of German lives lost in World War I as well as the economic downward spiral civilians were left traumatized after the war. Leaving Germany in such a vulnerable position allowed for Hitler to be able to manipulate the population and rise to power.3 The final part of the Treaty of Versailles that led to unresolved anger with Germany was that Germany was forced to demilitarize. This prohibited them from having a draft, certain types of weapons, and a military or naval air force. Also the number of people and equipment in the army and navy had been drastically reduced. Along with that Germany was forced to demilitarize the Rhineland. This once again attacked German nationalism as well as making the people of Germany feel as though they had no way of defending themselves in times of trouble.  The Allied powers refused any and all attempts Germany made to negotiate. The government was forced to obey every term the Allies stated including complying with the guilt clause hated by many. The harsh terms of the treaty are often blamed for Germany's actions in World War II. By the end of World War I Germany was in such a horrific state they were desperate to find a strong leader who could help them overcome the Treaty of Versailles' harsh terms, allowing room for Hitler to ease his way into power.

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