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Accountability of Sensitive Items

These things all effect our performance in the workplace and can have major consequences if lost. If lost, there are many fines that could be ensued after, there could also even be possibilities of imprisonment. But overall, to get a job done right, you're going to need these things, no matter small or big, to do your job correctly and professionally. Specifically in the army, there is only one standard that is to be met, and with that you must take the proper car in making sure that you uphold that standard. It's the easiest job in the world if you maintain accountability. .
             Accountability can play a role in civilian life in many more small things. Things such as: keys, license and registration (essential for driving), documents that are needed, and many other things. If you are not prepared and accountable for items in your personal life, it is most likely going to affect you in your workplace. A simple loss of keys at the wrong time can end up in you not being dressed and ready for work at the correct time. If you happen to keep your house keys with your car keys, you may have just put yourself in a worse situation. Fixing these things takes time, and when it does, it is most likely during your off time. Loss of your free time causes stress and is never good for the coming days. Rely on things like your smart phone in your personal life for reminders. Most smart phones come with calendars that include alarms for items that you may need to check on multiple times throughout the day. Keeping all sensitive items in one place can help as long as the place is safe and secure.
             Lack of accountability not only affects you, but can also affect your close-knit group at work, and maybe even a bigger group depending on items lost. Weapons lost in the field not only shut down your platoon in the army, but your entire battalion as a whole also. These things can be very harmful to every day execution of activities as a whole and therefore hurt many other individuals' schedules.

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