Revisions made in 2004 called for increased accountability at both the local and statewide levels, which improved the special education programs at many schools (Peterson). While some problems regarding special education have been addressed throughout the years, however, currently there are many pressing issues limiting the access disabled children have to achieve their educational goals.
Education is the single most important aspect of achieving freedom and future achievement for children with disabilities, yet not enough importance is placed on granting these marginalized children the programs and services they need. A study done by the National Organization on Disability (NOD) found a child with a disability is twice as likely to drop out of school and that Americans with disabilities are also at a significant disadvantage intending employment. The same study found that only 35% of disabled people are employed, compared with 78% of people without disabilities (Kaufman). Soon after this survey was commissioned, the special education program took a huge blow when $579 million was cut from federal special education funding in 2013, resulting in the lowest spending in twelve years. These budget cuts were met with massive outrage from concerned parents and special education staff whose jobs were eliminated. Marcie Lipsitt, an educational advocate, speaks out about these unjust funding cuts, saying, "Sequestration is sending a powerful message to children at risk and with disabilities, that their right to a public education does not matter, and neither does their productivity and place in America's future. (Faces)" In a recent survey compiled by the National Center for Learning Disabilities, over one half of the parents of special needs children said that their school had reduced or altered their special education program in response to decreased funding. One immediate consequence of these budget cuts is increased class size, which overwhelms many children who benefit from extra care and attention.