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Affordances: An Ecological Perspective

People see their environment in terms of how they are going to interact with it. This can be seen in sport such as softball. Softball players who had better performance than others saw the ball as being larger (Witt, 2011). This study demonstrates the strength of the relationship between the perception of the world and the optimal performance. If the ball is perceived as larger then it affords the player more speed and accuracy. .
             Fitts law explains the speed, accuracy trade off that happens in the motor system. If a target is perceived as larger then it requires less accuracy and the action can be performed more quickly. If a target is perceived as smaller then it requires more accuracy leading to the action being performed more slowly. Trial and error is how the motor system learns the most effective way to perform actions. The perceived affordances of anything in the environment to perform any action are so intertwined with the perceiver that it can be likened to each species living on their own planet. The sensory system exists to support the animal's way of life. Every species perceives differently depending on the environmental niche. The environmental niche refers to how an animal lives. The environment and the animal complement each other. The environment is not dependant on the organisms but animals are dependent on the affordances or niches that the environment provides (Greeno.G.J, 1994). .
             Due to the ecologically adaptive perceptual system it is possible to identify an animal's habitat by examining the eyes. Humans have binocular vision with a large overlap in order to do fine motor tasks with the hands. The eyes are close together as humans are predatory animals with the human fovea containing only cones for high acuity during daylight. Human eyes only have rods in the periphery of the eye which take around thirty minutes to become adapted to the dark. Rhodopsin is activated with only one photon of light and to blue and green light waves.

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