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Major Christian Holidays

             Palm Sunday is the day that we today celebrate as Jesus Christ entered Jerusalem. Palm Sunday is the Sunday prior to Easter, the resurrection of Jesus, this day marks the beginning of the end of Christ's work on earth. Palm Sunday begins with Jesus and his disciples traveling over the Mount of Olives. Christ sends two of his disciples into the village of Bethphage to find an animal for Jesus to ride. The two disciples find a donkey just as Jesus had told them they will. As Christ and his disciples rode into Jerusalem they were greeted by people waving palm branches and shouting with joy, although those were the same people who will be shouting "crucify him" a week later. "Pilate said to them, "Then what shall I do with Jesus who is called Christ?" They all said, "Let him be crucified!" And he said, "Why, what evil has he done?" But they shouted all the more, "Let him be crucified!" (Matthew 27:22-23). In todays world Palm Sunday is celebrated by going to church for mass and bringing palm branches to signify how people welcomed Jesus arriving to Jerusalem. In some countries palms were replaced with other native tree branches, because of the nature of the palm tree and the climate it requires to grow. The blessing of the branches is followed by a family feast at home.
             Good Friday is an extremely important event in Christian history. Good Friday is the Friday before Easter, the day Jesus rose from the dead and ascended to heaven. All Christians observe this holiday with great humility and reverence. Sometime during the forth century the church started commemorating the Friday before Easter as the day associated with the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. First it was called Holy, God's, or Great Friday by the Greek church later around the sixth Century the name "Good Friday" was adopted by the Roman Catholic church. "why call the day of Jesus' death "Good Friday" instead of "Bad Friday" or something similar? Some Christian traditions do take this approach: in German, for example, the day is called Karfreitag, or "Sorrowful Friday.

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