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The Hidden Crisis of Child Sexual Abuse

             I recently had a conversation with one of my childhood friends who had been sexually abused by her father. It still bothers her at times because she doesn't know what it feels like to grow up with a father who shows her the right way to be treated by a man. Also, she brought to my attention that being abused made her trust for males very low. At times, she even thought about going gay. There are a lot of emotional downfalls that comes along with being molested. .
             Growing up I've come across a lot of friends who had been molested or beaten by family members and or strangers. Although you'd think parents automatically believe their children in situation in this matter a lot of my friends parents fought in hard to believe their child. Parents thought their child just wanted to get rid of their partner. Some parents even think children report sexual abuse cases for attention. Coming from a man perspective, males who sexually abuse kids have no self-respect. .
             When I was in 3rd grade my older cousin met an older man at a YMCA in downtown Detroit. Being an honest kid, I told my mom because everything just was fishy to me. Every day after we would leave the recreation center I would follow my cousin to his house. The man just would always give me money to go to the store or send me home to get Pokémon cards. A few weeks later, my cousin ended up pregnant but would never tell her mother who did it to her. Every day my cousin would cry and sit in a corner. Anybody who tried to hug or touch her she would be scared. Since, she was sexually abused it changed her outlook on males. She never dated any boys or talked to any men. Being physically and mentally distracted she claimed, she had no choice but to turn gay. Her grades began to drop and attendance was starting to be a big deal. .
             Males aren't the only gender who sexually harasses minors; there are women who take control of children as well. Back in 2003 two women were convicted with multiple counts of sexual abuse.

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