And we choose this question because this year Fonterra profit decreased a lot by 16% and this may affect a lot of things. Collect the secondary data is a method we use. The sample for the study were complete news articles relating to 1) low payout, 2) dairy milk price, 3) Fonterra cut job or 4) low farmgate price. All news articles were retrieved from the Internet. The reason for studying news articles from different sources was to have a complete understanding of our research question. Moreover, the media always needs to publish accurate, up-to-date, detailed news so as to meet readers' demands. All the news articles were sorted in terms of published time and content. .
Data Review.
At first, we need to find information which is related to our research question and our researching we use most of the secondary data that come from many sources such like official Fonterra reports, academic articles, magazine articles and news timeline.
Official Fonterra Reports.
In their reports we use Fonterra Interim Report about the numbers of farm gate milk prices, forecast dividend, Forecast Final Cash Payout, total sales volume and also the news which are come from Fonterra's main website by directly.
Academic Articles.
We need to know that cost cutting helps the business gets better or not and there are some theories about reducing the cost in business that we can do the adaptation to our research question.
Magazine Articles and News Timeline.
Of course we to see how Fonterra is going in daily time and these sources can help us about media's vision to Fonterra's situation. Some of them are not include information that we were looking for but it is good to know more about one of the biggest dairy company in the world.
Analysis the Data.
SWOT analysis.
From the data which are collected we analysed in SWOT so it obviously shows that Fonterra has some point to improve also can use them to find the solution then solve the problems.