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Lack of Conformity in Quality Pieces of Literature

I got into my old rags, and my sugar-hogshead again, and was free and satisfied" (Twain 2). Huck runs away from conformity as soon as he senses it. Conformity is related to education and the women represent civilization and conformity in this novel. Lack of conformity is exhibited as raggedy clothes and doing as one pleases at this point in the story. Huck then states, "All I wanted was a change, I warn't particular" (Twain 3). From this, it can be inferred that Huck is not satisfied with the society of his time. It causes him to act rebelliously with Jim, go on numerous adventures with Tom Sawyer, and lie unusually comfortably to superiority. At one point in the novel, Huck experiences a riff between the town drunk and some civilians. In response to these happenings, Huck says, There was considerable jawing back, so I slid out, thinking maybe there was going to be trouble (Twain 57). The relevancy of this response is essential to explaining the lack of conformity Huck has for society. Huck refuses to add to the riff of the scene by leaving the premises and avoiding further conflict because he does not want to conform to the norm of what the townspeople are doing. Throughout the story, Huck shows rebellion and lack of conformity in different forms. He shows it through being childish, but also through being extremely mature as well. As Cardwell states in his opinionated essay on The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Adverse criticism charges the last chapters with destroying the credibility of Huck's moral maturation; he loses sight of his discovery that men are often vicious and hypocritical, and he fails to demonstrate any reasonable accommodation with society (Cardwell). As it can be inferred, Cardwell reads Huck as a rebel. He tries to explain that although Huck is losing his credibility of his moral maturation, he still sticks to his belief that what he is doing in society is morally right.

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