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The Baroque Period and Polish Literature

In fact, the first metaphor Kochowski presents us with is, "You bite your own Mother with a wild fang?" (Line 2). The Polish government is not literally biting the country of Poland with fangs, but in fact they are causing harm to their own country. There is a reference in Line 4 to Herostratus, which is a metonymy to gaining fame by committing a crime. Proceeding this is the use of imagery, as Kochowski compares Tartars and Turks as treating Poland, whom they are at war with, less cruel than the Sarmatians. Kochowski's poem uses the metaphor of, "Bringing shattering ruin upon her [Mother]," (Line 10) to suggest that Sarmatic behaviors are what destroyed Poland. After referring to the destruction committed by the enemies, Kochowski uses personification when he writes, "enemies have stripped her," (Line 11) and, "Have not pained her As much as the constant tumult at home," (Lines 15 and 16). This is personification because it suggests that Poland feels helpless and ashamed to have lost the territories. Further, war did not literally pain Poland, as Poland cannot feel, so this personification is part of a larger metaphor that describes the amount of damage done domestically by the Sarmatians. Also, symbolism can be noted because the use of, "her," here symbolizes the country of Poland. In the third stanza, Kochowski mentions all the areas of Poland that have been lost due to the ceding of territory. The metaphor, "won with our ancestors' blood," (Line 20) reveals that territory was previously gained via war, which resulted with casualties. .
             Once again, Kochowski is expressing his grievances with the Sarmatian regime, for they are not even attempting to fight for Polish lands. The fourth stanza exclaims, "As if these councils Could lift Poland from its unhappy lot!" (Lines 25 and 26). This exemplifies personification because the Polish gentry is unable to physically lift Poland, but rather Kochowski is mocking the council for being unable to solve the country's problems.

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