Children in today's world are being brainwashed by television, video games and electronic devices (Rutherford, 9). This is causing their physical lifestyle to be nearly nonexistent. The worst part is the society we live in is not helping. Many commercials will show them high-calorie snacks loaded with sugar making their taste buds react like fire to oxygen. Children should be encouraged by their parents to do activities, as well as being feed the correct amount of fruit and vegetables. .
Some possible complications can occur along the way of a child who is obese. They are at risk for many severe health problems, which we first only saw in adults, but are now being shown in children. Diabetes, hypertension, dyslipidemia, heart attack, osteoarthritis, or even sleep apnea can plunge into a young child's life due to obesity (Liberty 3). Knowing all of the health concerns obesity causes today why is it that more and more children are becoming obese? A child's diet and activity level plays a great role in determining their weight; therefor children spend a huge amount of their time inactive. The percentage of overweight children and adolescents in the United States has nearly tripled since the early 1970's. Keeping children healthy should be one of the most important things in this world today. .
Doesn't it seem like just about every adult is obese or overweight? Physical activity today seems to be non-existent in the adult world as well. Despite an abundance of evidence of the benefits of maintaining a healthy weight and a physically lifestyle, we continue to eat larger portion sizes than we need and remain less physically active than we should be. Sedentary adults in the United States eat an average of 500-800 calories more per day than needed to maintain weight (Marks, lifestyle 1). Maintaining a healthy diet can affect a person's body more than exercising. Many people who are in shape know a fit body is made in the kitchen and not the gym.