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Moral Shackles in Huckleberry Finn

Judge Thatcher ripped away Huck's newfound wealth and threw it into a bank to collect interest just as quickly as Huck had acquired it. The Widow Douglas wastes no time in taking Huck in and attempting to civilize him. Huck noted that, "she put [him] in them new clothes again, and [he] couldn't do nothing but sweat and sweat, and feel all cramped up" (p. 1). He then goes on to mention how she read him the Bible after supper and how she refused to let him smoke when he asked, stating that "it was a mean practice and wasn't clean, and [he] must try to not do it any more" (p. 2). From an objective standpoint both Judge Thatcher and the Widow Douglas were doing these things out of compassion for Huck and with the hope of helping him; none of what they had done in an effort to help him was wrong. In fact, Huck even mentioned how difficult it was living under her room because of her kindness towards him, noting how "decent the widow was in all her ways" (p. 1). While smoking has many of its own implications, Huck's act of asking the widow if he was allowed to smoke shows his submission to authority and his lack of intellectual freedom. He may not be physically chained down, but the invisible links tying down Huck's will are very apparent.
             In short, Bennett's "The Conscience of Huckleberry Finn" argues how Huck's lack of intellectual freedom and "weakness of will" restrain him from being a truly free individual. On paper, Huck is the freest character in the entire novel; he is white, he has no religious convictions, he has no class or family to answer to, and he has no ties to anyone, anyplace, or anything. Huck is free to set and execute his own agenda without having to answer to anyone, but he does not. When he acquired the six thousand dollars, he did not have any intentions of spending it or of saving it. If it weren't for the judge, it's highly probable that the money would have burned a hole in Huck's pocket.

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