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Hocus Pocus by Kurt Vonnegut

Hartke's father was so embarrassed that he was looking for anything about his son to brag about. "I was always sorry you didn't go out for football," he said, as though a touchdown would have made everything all right again" (29). Right before Hartke graduated from high school his father entered him into the schools science fair knowing that his son was not enthusiastic about science. As they were walking out of the Moellenkamp Auditorium in Cleveland, after the judges came to the conclusion that his father did all the work they bumped into Sam Wakefield. Same Wakefield was a Lieutenant Colonel in the army who was going around recruiting soldiers. One of the soldiers he was able to recruit that day was Hartke in account of his father. "You have just won an appointment to the United States Military Academy," he said to me, "the folks back home will think that's a better prize than any prize at the Science Fair" (44). His father was using him for his own benefit rather than him taking into consideration that his son has a high chance of dying at war. The only thing he cared about was the title of being able to call his son a lieutenant. He was ignorant about the effects of joining the military and only cared about the looks of it. .
             The only thing Hartke ever wanted to do was overthrow ignorance. Unfortunately that was seen differently to those around him. When Hartke resigned his commission in 1975 he became the physics professor at Tarkington College. Tarkington College was an institution that specialized in taking care of the dyslexic and moronic kids of the ruling class in New York. During his teaching there, one of the students was Kimberly Wilder who had a learning disability. Kimberly was the daughter of Jason Wilder who was the College President. Kimberly was used as a messenger for the trustees of the school. She recorded several conversations Hartke had between his classmates and him that eventually got him fired on graduation day.

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