Social media in America has drastically changed our world as we see it. Without a doubt social media plays a vital role in not only our communities but in our entire society. This method of control of our generation can be used as a positive outlet. But in some instances seems to do more harm when used in excess, like any good thing. News media can be used as a gateway to reach those who are physically unable to be touched or hear of what may be going on due to distance, or as a way to stay connected with social issues and current events. It also allows people to see the issues, gains,triumphs, and tribulations of our community. Simply stated social media allows us to become even more aware of the world we are living in. .
Using the news media as one's only source of information definitely plays a negative effect on our generation solely based on the lack of credibility that is presented at many times. The news media has multiple other negative impacts on society when looked to in excess as ones sole source of information. People allow their sense of connection to falter when they are no longer able to differentiate between extremely false and biased information shown on media, and actual tangible stories and true events that took place in lives of those in the community. When so much energy and emotion is given into the delivery and presentation of "imaginary" stories, it makes it hard to invest the necessary energy into the real situations and world events that truly impact one's life. The increased use of news media also causes a decrease in awareness in people of all ages. Rather than being aware of things that are affecting their world, people can get quickly caught up in things that do not benefit them at all. "The negativity in the news penetrates the way we think and act without us being fully aware. Nightly news tells us how dangerous it is to fly in planes nowadays, and we rethink our travel plans.