Industrialization, landfills, wetlands, and the raising of livestock emit methane. With the continuous amount of human activities creating methane, this will cause more heat to be trapped in the atmosphere and leading to changes in the Earth's climate. As will as, Nitrous oxide (N2O), which is emitted into the atmosphere during the Industrial Revolution and by the microbial processes, in soil and water. .
In addition to greenhouse gas, there are fluorinated gases. These gases are emanated from a household products, industrial processes, and do not occur naturally. They are known to be High GWP (global warming potentials) gases. According to Kim Masters Evans, "PFCs and SF6 have atmospheric lifetimes of thousands of years and are actually far more potent greenhouse gases than CO2 per unit of molecular weight" (2). This statement shows how an increase of these gases can do far more damage if it does not stop. Moreover, the Ozone layer is only a small part of the stratosphere, but very important because it prevents the sun's ultraviolent radiation rays from reaching Earth. "All of these compounds have atmospheric lifetimes long enough to allow them to be transported by winds into the stratosphere. Because they release chlorine or bromine when they break down, they damage the protective ozone layer," said EPA (3). Since the stratospheric ozone is being depleted, there is no way that fluorinated gases can be destroyed by the sunlight. Thus, it will persist to construct a big cloud full of chemicals leading to a negative effect of global warming. On the other hand, pollution is one of the biggest nuisances to the human race on this planet today. .
Pollution is produced by air, water, and solid waste all over the world. The largest type of pollution is water pollution. Water pollution effects marine life, rivers, and oceans. Industrial plants that take in water and then later carry the waste into streams and other waterways create it as well.