" Lady Macbeth begins to taunt Macbeth, basically telling him that he is not a 'man' if he does not go through with killing King Duncan. Lady Macbeth manipulates Macbeth into exterminating Duncan. This shapes Macbeth's identity because, he later says this, "Now I'm decided, and I will exert every muscle in my body to commit this crime" (Macbeth, Act 1, Scene 7, line 80). Lady Macbeth has an evil heart, she can be considered a charlatan. Lady Macbeth is a puppeteer, and Macbeth is the dummy. Her evil influences shaped Macbeth into a murderer. Wanting to murder. Even after he kills Duncan, he still feels a bit of guilt and remorse. .
After Lady Macbeth's manipulation takes place, he begins to plan murders on his own. Murders he would have never been capable of committing without Lady Macbeth consistently calling him a 'coward'. In Act 3, Scene 1, Macbeth says "For the plan to work perfectly you must kill both Banquo and his son, Fleance, who keeps him company. Getting rid of Fleance is as important to me as knocking off Banquo." Even though this murder is mostly because he is greatly afraid of Banquo, because Banquo could have a strong motive to kill Macbeth, in order for his own descendants to become king as the witches told them in the beginning of the play. Although, this is his way of cheating fate, this is actually Lady Macbeth's influences speaking from Macbeth's identity. Macbeth a frail, delicate character would never be able to commit such crimes without the influences of Lady Macbeth's vile nature. .
In order to please other people, we act a certain way that is not true to ourselves. Masculinity is the possession of characteristics of traditionally associated with men. Homophobia is more than the fear of homosexuals to men, it is the fear of other men. Michael S. Kimmel says, "That nightmare from which we never seem to awake is that those other men will see that sense of inadequacy, they will see that in our own eyes we are not who we are pretending to be" (Masculinity As Homophobia, paragraph 2, sentence 1).