In turn, the government believes they can tell school how to use the money, but in reality it is our money. It is our business to make sure the focus is the product.
He points out that the product, or the end result of the educational business is the students. They should be the focal point of education. Not the unions, not what teachers gain through employment, not changing the lessons taught, not changing the food served, not sex education, but how we can help every student become productive citizens. So many issues that become the spotlight of education seem to interfere with the parents' role in student education. "Our government has been all too eager to encourage the continued deterioration of the family structure by assuming more and more responsibilities that should be dealt with at home" (Beck 135). Government does help those in need by providing services, but Beck makes it seem as though they are telling the people that they want you to need them to parent your children. They want you do depend on them, which many families do because of broken homes and the cost of living, but they shouldn't raise our children for us. They will tell you what to feed your children, what they should learn and that we shouldn't worry because they have it taken care of. The true intent of the government is to make sure everyone is provided for, not to do the job of a parent for the parent. "There is no way that government schools could ever do a better job of meeting the needs of children than mothers and fathers working cooperatively in a loving and structured home, regardless of income" (Beck 139).
Just as government is overseeing the students and what they are learning and eating, government is trying to create a standard, "Common Core State Standards", to oversee what teachers are doing in the classroom. They are telling educators what milestones need to be met.