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Painting Review -Madonna and Child

During the time he was living in Assisi, he illustrated scenes from the life of St. Martin for the chapel of St. Martin, and it was one of the greatest frescoes he had produced. In 1339, at the request of Pope Benedict XII, he went to Avignon, where he executed frescoes in the papal palace and the cathedral ("Martini, Simone"). Among his works, Saint John the Baptist and The Annunciation were considered the greatest achievements of the Sienese school. .
             Madonna and Child was probably created before 1508 by Bramantino. Bramantino was well known for his interest in architecture and perspective, and he also used this technique in Madonna and Child. The coloring in this painting is of a rare harmony and extreme delicacy. The sombre greens of the cloak is harmonizing with the bright reds of the dress. The wide landscape and buildings for background is in the finest tone ("Madonna and Child. Bramantino: The Falls of the Rhine. J. M. W. Turner"). Another Madonna and Child was created by Simone Martini between 1308-1310. The attribution of this work was based on stylistic considerations: on one hand close ties to Duccio's style; on the other hand, typical features of Simone's art. The background of this work has a totally different mood when compare it to Madonna and the child by Bramantino's. The colors that used for the faces on Madonna and child made them look sickly while the gold background made the figures stand out. According to Cathleen S. Hoeniger's article "Cloth of Gold and Silver: Simone Martini's Techniques for Representing Luxury Textiles", she discovered that Martini was known for developing a layering technique that involved two stages of sgraffito, which is a technique that have multiple layers of tinted plaster, and glazing over metal leaf. This technique was reflected in Martini's Madonna and Child.
             Bramantino used the technique of architecture and perspective, placing Madonna at the center of this work and the child in front of Madonna.

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