Emissions in energy production is a trending right now due to greenhouse gasses depleting our ozone layer. Nuclear power reactors do not rely on combustion like fossil fuel alternatives, so there is no Co, CO2 or SO2 released into our atmosphere. The only thing that is released into the atmosphere is water vapor from water used to cool the reactor core. However, nuclear power reactors produce waste, and that waste has to be stored in secure landfills until their half time runs out, but it is not where near as harmful as what we are doing to mother nature right now. (Nuclear Regulator Commission) It is stored in secure facilities where the radiation is contained near the power plants, which are already built on safe from environmental causes land sites.
Uranium, which is used to power these Nuclear power reactors, is readily available and is on par with tin in the amount contained in the Earth's crust. Uranium mining sites are dangerous and personnel are required to use protective gear to ward off radiation, but people working at these sites are qualified professionals that are properly trained. (Nuclear Regulator Commission) Investing into nuclear technology will boost the economy by creating new high paying skilled jobs. The power reactors have operating costs about the same as coal, with fuel cost much smaller than the alternatives, therefore much less susceptible to price fluctuations.
The benefits of nuclear power reactors are clear, but there are drawbacks. In his book, "Too Much Magic" James Kunstler agrees that nuclear power is a valid alternative, however he brings up the limitations of our economic system right now; our country is in debt and therefore cannot afford to build the next generation of nuclear facilities. He says: "The growing scarcity of capital is alone enough to keep the country from embarking on a next generation of nuclear power plans. We're broke, and we're getting a lot broker bankrupt society it may become difficult to operate existing nuclear facilities; workers must be paid regularly, and sufficiently, to keep up the rigorous maintenance and safety routines these installations require.