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The Benefits of Composting

Knowing nature's ways of conservation of matter we can and should use it to our advantage. As the practice of composting becomes more prevalent, the possible uses for composted material are sure to multiply.
             Composting can produce positive results on a global scale. What is done to stop pollution in a given place effects far reaching areas and the same is true with adding to pollution. In places where composting is used, dangerous chemicals from chemical fertilizers and bacteria and biohazards litter are kept out of run off water (EPA 1). Cleaner run off water is crucial to the health and welfare of many communities in the world. Composting also saves space in landfills. When biodegradable materials are put into landfills they will contribute to the high numbers of methane gas emissions. The fewer materials that end up in a landfill, the better. This is especially true for materials that can be decomposed naturally (Galloway). Those materials have no place in a landfill, but are often included in them because of the way we take care of waste in many countries. When people use compost to fertilize a backyard or a city park, it reduces the water needs and artificial, even sometimes harmful fertilizers and pesticides are not necessary. Costs of caring for lawns and landscapes are eliminated or greatly diminished because compost is made of what is already there. .
             Choosing to compost starts with preference and information. There are four common types of composting (EPA 3). The first is called vermi-composting, which uses the aid of an organism to break down materials faster. The second is aerated turned windrow composting. This method entails a somewhat large space used to layer materials in and turn the material occasionally to aid in decomposing. The third is In-vessel composting. This can be done with space saving in mind because the waste is put into a drum or hollowed out stretch of land and this can make turning the compost easier.

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