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School Uniforms and Dressing for Success

             As a mother of three, I find uniforms very beneficial. Years ago, as a high school student, I also objected to the idea of school uniforms. But now that I have children, I look at this issue from a different perspective. I do not want my children to be noticed by what they wear, but instead to be noticed for their personalities, the way they treat people around them, and academic achievements. "Clothing that provides confidence" for some students may mean brand name clothing. In our modern world kids are concerned with the way they dress to[for] school. They strive to "fit in" by wearing more of "cool" clothes. Brands like Abercrombie and Fitch, American Eagle, Ethnies, Volcom are not cheap. Although many parents do spend a large portion of their income on the children's clothing for school, it is a waste of money. Having uniforms would benefit parents financially in many ways. Think about it. A uniform approved collared shirt costs about $15, versus an Abercrombie shirt which costs about $30 that a student can wear with that one pair of pants and those one pair of shoes, which cost about $100. Even if the student does not wear Abercrombie, the bottom line is, wearing uniforms saves parents money. Buffalo Academy of the Sacred Heart reports that "Our students typically spend $300 per year for their entire school uniform wardrobe." That is much less than the $700-$1140 typically spent on school clothes for the average child attending public school in the United States .
             By enforcing uniforms, expensive clothing would not be an issue anymore for the unfortunate families. Another benefit of school uniforms would be social equalization. School uniforms assure that the wealthiest student and poorest student in a classroom are on an equal fashion level. Students from lower economic families would face less teasing from wealthier students if school uniforms were required.

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