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Good Muslim, Bad Muslim - Book Analysis

" Mamdani goes on to talk about a Los Angeles Times report that shows leaders of terrorist attacks after the Afghan War were actually veterans themselves. This of course includes Bin Laden, the leader of the jihad chosen by the United States just a short time before. In my opinion, this was the most moving part of the chapter. By creating the camps, the United States gave future terrorists the information needed to carry out horrific acts of violence. Despite this, you will never see America apologize for contributing to the presence of violence and guerrilla warfare in Afghanistan. Instead, America says that's its agenda was to "unite a billion Muslims worldwide in a holy war, a crusade, against the Soviet Union.".
             With the writings in chapter 3, Mamdani manages to show the substantial influence that the United States, more specifically the CIA, had in the creation of the terror organizations that we know of today. Although Mamdani brings several points to adjust the perception of Muslims, it doesn't negate the fact that there is a rooted hatred against the west in Muslim culture. The acts of the CIA and the aid that was given to Pakistan did not create the hatred, it simply gave the spark needed to set fire to the integral beliefs of Muslim ideology.
             Taking a step back and looking at the actions of the CIA, it appears that they were trying to create another proxy war and have Pakistan and the Muslims fight a war for America. America feared the Communist movement and wanted to stop its infiltration into Pakistan by leveraging the locals and giving them everything and anything they need to resist Russia. The United States didn't put enough thought into their actions and used powerful words to define the anti-communist movement that would have severe blow back. The word in question is Jihad, the notion of Jihad was not limited to anti-communism but rather to anti-modernity and the ideas that the CIA were feeding to the Muslims were not limiting their hatred to Russia, but rather to all western countries.

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