Secondly, will be illustrating the benefiters of the inequality of wealth; traditionally these individuals were the wealthy CEO's of Wall Street. .
Those who are classified as poor and the middle class throughout America are what drive our country forward. However, these are the people whose rights feel violated the most throughout the financial world. Throughout the past few years, several revolutions have attempted to bring these issues to light, such as the Occupy Wall Street movement of 2011. These types of revolutions will be discussed in detail and be revealed why these seemingly powerful movements proved powerless against the wealthy of America. It is clear that the poor suffers from America's inequality gap while the rich continue to profit. The victims in the occupy wall street and the entire nation in 2011 forward, experienced a decline in all economic aspects of life; real estate, stock holdings. They were not able to afford their mortgage, conclusively they had to give up their home and find somewhere else to live. Families across the nation were no longer able to afford the necessities in order to sustain life; food, water, shelter. .
It is important notice that the famously rich of Wall Street, of whom are Warren Buffet, Lloyd Blankfein, and many others, are allowed to do what they please, without any interference from the U.S government. The U.S. government should be present throughout all of this commotion; not only are the wealthy taking advantage of the lower and middle class but the government is not doing anything to fix this issue, yet there using tax payers money for social purposes. Ward covers many important subjects with regard to the inequality in the distribution of wealth but there are two that have relevance with this essay, the income inequality and the inequality in the distribution of wealth. Ward, professor at Boston College whom holds the certificate of O.