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The Musical Necessity

That is simply an example of the harmony of sight. How we as individuals are far more attracted to balance and symmetry brought on by the harmony of corresponding objects to one another or the characteristics of an object as a whole. Inharmonious or off balance characteristics can seem incomplete or unsatisfying to observe but they can also add more interest to something when viewed in comparison to a perfectly symmetrical object. Visual harmony has a lot to do with color and texture, as well as shape and size. In history it can be seen that, "what man calls beauty is the harmony of all he experiences" (Rothenberg 19). Those outside experiences that he comes into contact with or is subjected to often relate to the types of things he has constant experiences with or frequently comes in to contact with. The beauty is what man can see that is generally harmonious. .
             Another form of how harmony can be related to atoms and their swerve is the general composition of those sounds, how for Lucretius the different atoms of an object determined its own individual characteristics would affect things around it in the world. It can be observed, "that the enjoyment of a modern painting carries one's attention not to a center of interest but all over the canvas and not following any particular path" (Rothenberg 25) It's a matter of symmetry and asymmetry that dictates the flow of sight across a surface. The ease of viewing artwork and how long a piece can attract the viewer's attention relies heavily on how that art work easy or difficult the comprehension of the piece is since the, "observer's attention to be made mobile by the rapidity with which he drops the problem of understanding a structure" (Rothenberg 25). Understanding what the eyes are seeing is how a person can solve the problem of figuring out what he or she is looking at. This relates to Lucretius by emphasizing that the intellectual and vital principles, the Animus and the Anima, are as much of a part of the human body as the outside limbs and attributes are.

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