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             Whilst summarising this research would consume this whole paper, the most interesting facts come from the following observations: .
             Boys were less successful than girls in their ways of negotiating and participating in conventional literacy classrooms and conventional literacy activities.
             Boys showed a general lack of interest in print-based reading and writing activities. .
             Boys demonstrated a perceived lack of purpose and relevance in schoolwork. .
             Boys made minimalist' efforts to complete and present school literacy tasks. .
             Boys were disruptive, easily distracted and difficult to motivate within the classroom; and that boys lacked self-esteem and confidence as learners. .
             Teachers also observed several features of boys' classroom behaviour that made boys far more successful in terms of engaging with the multimodal literacies and literacy contexts.
             of the future. Teachers observed that: .
             Boys had a strong interest in electronic and graphic forms of literate practice.
             Boys were willing to do' literacy in active, public ways (such as debating, drama and public speaking).
             Boys were eager to engage with real-life' literacy contexts and real-life' literacy practices. (Alloway, Freebody, Gilbert and Muspratt 2002). .
             Whilst these observations are both interesting and meritorious they do however neglect to say why these boys literacy issues occur. Stoesseger (2001) is the author of Reading Between The Lines: Boys' Literacy. In this web article he clearly spells out both the statistics and facts on the issue but also offers an explanation.
             Stoesseger presents some hard' facts such as:.
             The 1994 Inquiry into Boys' Education in New South Wales (the O'Doherty Report) revealed that:.
             "Boys under-perform in literacy tests at both Year 3 and Year 6 in Government schools and that "This result is replicated throughout the school system.".
             A similar picture has emerged in Tasmania where there are regular literacy tests for students at age 10 and 14.

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