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The Female Athlete Triad

             of being fat ("Controlling Eating Disorders", 1992). Thompson and Sherman (1993) also defined anorexia nervosa as a.
             "self-starvation syndrome" (p. 3). Anorexia nervosa occurs most often in adolescence or early adulthood, but onset may occur.
             as early as the age of 10, and as late as the post-menopausal years. It is 15 times more likely to affect females than males and.
             occurs more frequently in the developed countries of the world (Abraham & Llewellyn-Jones, 1984; Kinoy & Holman, 1992). .
             Causes of Anorexia .
             A trigger of some sort usually marks the onset of anorexia nervosa. Examples of these triggers can include things like: "a critical.
             remark about weight or appearance from a significant person, or a trauma such as the loss of a parent, a divorce, or an illness".
             (Kinoy & Holman, 1992). Another cause of anorexia nervosa could be low self-esteem or the unhappy, unattractive, unworthy.
             feelings, and body changes that can accompany puberty. Psychological experts also point out the interrelated closeness of the.
             mind and body and the importance that no one thing causes anorexia nervosa, it is a combination of internal and external forces.
             (Thompson & Sherman, 1993). .
             Characteristics of Anorexia .
             Anorexia nervosa begins with dieting. As weight loss is achieved others may comment on a change in appearance, and this.
             encourages the anorexic individual to diet more. Weight loss is seen as an achievement and a lack of weight loss as failure. Even.
             after "normal" body weight is achieved the individual continues to diet for fear that the lost weight will return. This causes an.
             inability to perceive an accurate body image (Thompson & Sherman, 1993). Avoidance of food, as explained by Abraham and.
             Llewellyn-Jones (1984) is a large characteristic of anorexia nervosa and it can lead to self-isolation of the anorexic individual at.
             meal times and ultimately isolation from social activity. In addition to strict dieting and isolation, exercise may be used as a.

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