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Integrated Water Management and International Rivers

2004). Because the Johnston plan of 1955 allowed Jordan to use 55% of the river's water, Israel 36% and Lebanon and Syria 9% each, some of the riparian countries have their rights confiscated because of political issues. Indeed, there are no Peaces agreements between Lebanon and Israel or between Syria and Israel and this have put all international water laws and rights besides pending any accord. International law has proven itself inadequate in defending the equal use of shared water supplies in that region because the increase of population, the patterns of water use, overuse, and political territorial issues are resulting in disagreement over water distribution (Ofori-Amoah A. 2004).
             International rivers conflicts triggered many peacemakers to come up with solutions that could be part of the resolution process of those many discords. In the middle-east and more especially in our case, the Jordan River, international laws were seems to be alone not enough in order to resolve the conflict. In this essay, I will try to analyze up to what point can Integrated water management be a solution in international rivers conflicts resolution by evaluating what has already be done and what is currently proposed in the case of the Jordan River. The Jordan River system unquestionably holds the greatest potential for either conflict or compromise (Murakami M. 1994). During the many interstate wars that occurred around this basin, the management and exploitation of the resources of the Jordan River was always the subject of conflict between the five riparian countries rather than a compromise. The common geography ties the fate of all those five peoples together and requires that they find a common solution of sharing resources and joint development (Shuval H. 1994). Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) is "a process which promotes the coordinated development and management of water, land and related resources, in order to maximize the resultant economic and social welfare in an equitable manner without compromising the sustainability of vital ecosystems" .

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